
Sunday, January 20, 2013

S.W.A.T. - New Challenge Blog starts Feb 2nd

I am so excited to announce that I'll be designing for S.W.A.T., a brand new challenge blog starting up on February 2nd! S.W.A.T. stands for Scrap Warriors Advanced Training - fun name, huh? Here's the link, and you can start following right now!

Here is what you can expect from S.W.A.T.:


We have 2 Drills (challenges) per month. With each drill there will a prize that has been has donated by an amazing sponsor!
Drills are issued on the first and third Saturday of each month and you will have until the 25th of each month to add your project to each drill using the Mr. Linky! A winner will be selected from both drills at the end of the month. If you participate in both challenges you double your chances of being a winner!
Basic Training:
Our Lieutenant will take you through your Basic Training the second Saturday every month. This training is to build up your skills and show you some new tips and tricks. With each training session we will challenge you to use your new skills for the chance at becoming our Featured SWAT Girl, which will be chosen from all the participants. Projects must be linked up to Mr Linky by the end of each month to be considered.

Special Ops Training:
Our Captain will push your skills to new limits with Special Ops Training on the fourth Saturday of every month. Be pepared to go "off the page" with altered items, 3-Dimensional projects, and step-by-step tutorials. You won't believe it until you see it so make sure you stop in!

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